New Product, the Alpaca Deluxe for storing those large knitting or crochet projects.

Norwegian Alpaca Deluxe


When working on a large knitting or crochet project like a blanket, afghan or sweater many crafters find themselves storing their beautiful works in progress in some version of a large ugly trash bag. Well put those trash bags where they belong because you can now keep your work in a bag worthy of all your skills and time.

Years ago I designed the Alpaca for a knitting bag customer. It’s very roomy and works great to hold those bulky projects. Over time I have been asked to add pockets like my Kipster and large Kipster knitting bags. But with the pockets so low in the bag it seemed they would be hard to use.

Finally when I was asked again earlier this year I came up with a design I think works well, the Alpaca Deluxe. I added two pockets close to the top and a matching pouch with a clip that attaches to the drawstring which also fits neatly in one of the pockets.

Batik Swirls Alpaca Deluxe

large drawstring knitting bag with pockets for work in progress blankets, afghans and sweaters


Wings of the Gods Alpaca Deluxe

Big knitting project bag for afghans, blankets and sweaters


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