Welcome to one of the best things I ever did with my business!
Doc and Kim modeling their wallets on strings!
When I first launched my own website I had the option of adding a photo gallery. I jumped at the chance. I thought it would be a great way to show potential customers what I have done for other people. It became so much more.
Responding to my invitation to share photographs of their bags, customers started sending me pics of themselves. Sometimes they were in their own homes and sometimes they were in various places all over the world. Not only were there pics of their bags and themselves, but along came some pics of their pets as well.
It’s been amazing!
I upgraded and redesigned my website in early 2018. At the end of 2018 I knew it was time to launch a new blog that is more modern and matched the new look of my site. That move gave me an opportunity to bring the galleries of customers photographs together with my blog, and here we are!
Those pics are still more than welcome and I love sharing them on my site, on social media and in my newsletter. Thanks to everyone who has brought me such joy by taking the time to respond. You make me happy every day!
Have one to share? Contact me via link at the top of the page!
Individual Galleries
These are galleries for some of my favorite customers who have shared a lot of photographs of themselves and/or have a large collections of my bags. Click on a pic and take a look inside!
Your Bags
The gallery on the left has a selection of photographs my customers have sent me of their bags in locations all over the world. The gallery on the right has pics of some custom made bags to show you what is possible.